Spiritual Leader Message

 by Dr. Bob Churilla

As we watch the flowers of summer grow and flourish in all their beauty, let us never forget our own inner beauty. This inner beauty, deep within our souls, also grows. It is good to remember that just as flowers do not grow without effort and time, so our own growth requires us to do the same. The end result is worthwhile. It gives us satisfaction and the skills necessary to navigate the challenges life presents.

That raises a question though. What are some simple but effective ways to grow when all of us have busy lives? It all starts with having a spiritual practice. Even during this time of planning vacations and enjoying the warm weather, let us never forget to start our day with prayer and meditation. By thinking of Spirit, and having it foremost in our minds, we can be assured God will make sure our day gets off to a great start.

There are other simple practices that can move us along the path of growth. Set aside ten minutes each day to read some spiritual book or article. Take a walk in nature and reflect on all the goodness in your life. Call someone during the week and connect with another and tell them how much they mean to you. By engaging in these simple practices, you too can continue to grow while having a spiritual life.